• Mon-02-2025
Afghan church grows as humanitarian needs persist (January 30, 2025, Mission Network News)

To be a Christian in Afghanistan is to daily risk your life. Everything faith-related must remain hidden from Taliban hunters, and the cost of discovery is imprisonment or death. Despite this, the church in Afghanistan is one of the fastest growing in the world.

  • Mon-02-2025
Worsening human rights situation in North Korea calls for change in mission strategy: need to face reality (January 26, 2025, Christian Daily International)

The Database Center for North Korean Human Rights (NKDB) announced the results of its 2024 White Paper on Religious Freedom in North Korea and a public awareness survey on North Korean human rights. The White Paper on Religious Freedom is based on responses and investigations of North Korean defectors who have settled in South Korea.

  • Mon-02-2025
Persecution of Christians in Tajikistan (January 22, 2025, Providence Magazine)

The Constitution of Tajikistan, under Article 26, technically guarantees freedom of religion, allowing individuals to choose and practice any faith—or none at all. However, in practice, this freedom is heavily restricted.

  • Mon-02-2025
Sharing Jesus amid Buddhism’s stronghold (October 19, 2024, The Christian Post)

Open Doors US lists Bhutan as No. 36 on the World Watch list for Christian persecution. No churches are officially recognized by the Bhutanese government and any attempt to convert people from the state religion is illegal. Furthermore, Christians in the region are at risk of surveillance and raids by authorities.

  • Mon-01-2025
Beyond the Headlines: ‘Ever-Present’ Persecution in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka (January 23, 2025, Persecution.org - International Christian Concern)

In countries like Myanmar and Nigeria, acts of persecution against Christians are more likely to make news reports because of their extreme violence. But in many other locations, persecution typically takes on a more subtle form. It likely won’t make the media news and might lack documentation. But it’s still an ever-present issue that diminishes the quality of life for many Christians.

  • Mon-02-2025
Slithering Into the Year of the Snake (January 28, 2025, ChinaSource)

As we welcome the Year of the Snake, our team has prepared a short video to send heartfelt New Year’s blessings to all our readers! We also invite you to explore our archive of articles that delve into the spiritual and cultural dimensions of the Lunar New Year. Wishing you and your family a joyful and blessed Lunar New Year! 蛇年大吉,“蛇”么都有!

  • Mon-02-2025
Tithing as Proof of Citizenship (January 27, 2025, China Partnership)

Tithing is a way believers actively live out their faith by storing up their treasures in heaven, because it demonstrates where their allegiance lies and where their hearts long to be. A Christian’s tithe to the church is much like a passport; it is proof of heavenly citizenship.

  • Mon-02-2025
Snake in the Chinese Culture and Serpent in the Bible (January 27, 2025, ChinaSource)

When the Year of the Snake arrives on the Chinese lunar calendar, the Chinese people routinely say something auspicious related to snakes, such as “The snake travels a thousand miles, and I wish all is well with you,” “The golden snake welcomes the spring, bringing you good fortune, longevity, peace, and health.” But in Chinese culture, the snake is not only a symbol of health, wealth, wisdom, agility, and mystery, but also considered to be a symbol of cunning, malice, and danger.

  • Mon-02-2025
Practicing Faith Through Hospitality During Spring Festival (January 26, 2023, China Christian Daily)

People may boast of their wealth or status with lavish banquets, but Christian hospitality aims to glorify God. In practicing hospitality over the Spring Festival, we can focus on sharing the gospel and conveying God’s grace in every act of kindness. We can use our homes for evangelism, with tables set with love, offering a feast of faith, love, and wisdom, and sharing God’s love with more people.

  • Mon-02-2025
How Our Church Prays (January 23, 2025, China Partnership)

Praying for the city isn’t just a vague exercise. It requires you to understand the city. To pray with purpose and meaning, we need to understand the beauty, brokenness, and idols of the city. This has also helped us experience remarkable growth in evangelism.