• Sun-07-2024
Pakistan’s Presbyterians Have United. Reconciling Will Take Time (July 19, 2024, Christianity Today) (Subscription required)

On March 25 of this year, a group of Pakistani Presbyterian church leaders gathered in one of their homes. There, the 20 or so people decided to bring their factions together after years of contentious division. There were no contracts or legal documents to mark this momentous decision. “We just talked and trusted each other,” said Reuben Qamar, the leader, or moderator, of one faction.

  • Sun-07-2024
Azerbaijan Is a Top Violator of Religious Freedom. Accountability Is a Must | Opinion (July 12, 2024, Newsweek)

Despite these documented crimes, no international mission, including UNESCO, has access to Nagorno-Karabakh. Behind this criminal scene and tragedies, we record the profound immorality of the international community when, just after the genocide of my people, it was decided to hold the U.N. Climate Change Conference (COP29) in oil-rich, authoritarian, and genocidal Azerbaijan in 2024.

  • Sun-07-2024
VIDEO: Inspiring Testimony of an Iranian Christian Woman | Naghmeh Panahi (February 24, 2024, Back to Jerusalem)

Naghmeh was born and raised in the Middle East until she was nine years old when her family moved to the United States. In 2001 Naghmeh returned to Iran as a young adult and lived there for many years experiencing the oppression and violence women are subjected to everyday in the Middle East. In 2012, her husband Saeed Abedini was arrested while visiting Iran.

  • Sun-07-2024
Türkiye incursion targets PKK, spares Iraqi Christians (July 17, 2024, Mission Network News)

Türkiye’s latest incursion in northern Iraq “neutralized” at least 11 members of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party or PKK. The incursion is part of a more comprehensive operation aimed at removing PKK forces from strategic locations by November 2024.

  • Sun-07-2024
The Precarious Position of India’s Christians—and Its Democracy (July 11, 2024, Christianity Today)

During the last decade in India, a Hindu nationalist government has taken the helm, and Hindutva ideology, once considered as fringe, has become firmly entrenched and empowered politically and socially.

  • Sun-07-2024
How Hong Kong Immigrants and UK Churches Are Working Together (July 16, ChinaSource)

In 2021, the UK government offered a new visa for British Nationals (Overseas) residing in the former colony of Hong Kong. This, along with an ever-tightening political environment in Hong Kong, opened the door to an influx of people from the territory moving to Great Britain. The arrival of so many new immigrants in a short period of time has presented both local and Chinese churches in the UK with some unique opportunities and challenges. Zipporah, a student at Singapore Bible College, conducted research into this situation for a class on mission research.

  • Sun-07-2024
Chengdu: Opportunities and Challenges (July 15, 2024, China Partnership)

In this second portion of this series, several Chengdu house church pastors talked about how their city and their churches have changed in the past five years. While this period has been challenging, these pastors still see God at work in their communities. Most said the city and their churches were rocked by the Covid era, but that Chengdu is still a spiritually hungry place. Many pastors said they continue to experience growth and are seeing many unbelievers seek out their churches.

  • Sun-07-2024
Moses in the Wilderness: On the Run (July 11, 2024, China Partnership)

In the post-pandemic era, sometimes it seems all of China is on the run. Modern Chinese have a lot in common with biblical Moses, who also lived a life on the run. God’s people may sometimes worry that God has forgotten them, but Moses’s story shows that God often uses wilderness seasons and a life on the run.

  • Sun-07-2024
The Last Mile (July 12, 2024, ChinaSource)

It is crucial to remember that the purpose of Bible engagement surpasses mere reading: its essence lies in understanding the divine revelations within its pages, which leads to transformative life experiences and a deeper connection with God.

  • Sun-07-2024
Chinese Upbringing and US Culture (July 10, 2024, ChinaSource)

Because I grew up in China and because this environment is nearly completely non-Christian, I was accustomed to being in a room where most views opposed my own. As a Christian, my faith has never been defined by my surroundings. I am able to befriend people who hold completely different beliefs than mine, but I’m still strong in my own faith.