• Sun-01-2025
Don't let the uncouth Indian tag catch on (January 10, 2025, The Economic Times)

Goa, India's popular tourist destination, is experiencing anger against domestic tourists on social media. The region’s 'susegad' spirit is being strained by over-tourism and unruly behavior of many visitors. This situation reflects a broader issue seen in other tourist hotspots globally. Indian tourists need to be more mindful of their behavior.

  • Sun-01-2025
Christian Leaders in India Issue Stern Appeal to Government (January 2, 2024, Morning Star News)

More than 400 Christian leaders in India ended 2024 with a strongly-worded appeal to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to put an end to a surge in violence against Christians that was especially heightened during the Christmas season. Prime minister faulted for not condemning persecution.

  • Mon-09-2024
India is in the midst of an electric vehicle revolution – and Australia should tap in (September 19, 2024, The Conversation)

The Indian government’s financial incentives include waiving registration fees on electric vehicles. Allocated distinctive green numberplates under the national registration system, these vehicles stand out from the rest.

  • Mon-09-2024
“Resources are very scarce” after severe flooding in India (September 18, 2024, Mission Network News)

Monsoon season in India usually runs from June to September. The end may be in sight, but devastation and risk of waterborne illness are present realities…“To hear him say that this was shocking and severe and that they couldn’t believe the damage was very troubling to us.”

  • Mon-08-2024
India’s Christian leaders work to convince Modi government to curb attacks (July 25, 2024, Religion News Service)

False charges of forced conversion, say the leaders, are used to target Christians, who cite attacks on church properties and institutions, the harassment of pastors and raids on private parties. Attacks on Christians, who constitute only 2.3% of India’s 1.4 billion people, have risen sharply over the last few years. The main perpetrators of these crimes are extremists who believe Hinduism, India’s most prevalent faith, is synonymous with Indian identity and citizenship.

  • Sun-07-2024
The Precarious Position of India’s Christians—and Its Democracy (July 11, 2024, Christianity Today)

During the last decade in India, a Hindu nationalist government has taken the helm, and Hindutva ideology, once considered as fringe, has become firmly entrenched and empowered politically and socially.

  • Sun-06-2024
India’s “unexpected results” deflate Hindu nationalism, evangelicals unsure about effect on minorities (June 20, 2024, Evangelical Focus)

The coalition led by prime minister Narendra Modi still has a majority but failed in its expectations after losing 67 seats. “For many Christians, the loss brings a sense of relief”.

  • Mon-06-2024
Indian Christians Relieved as Election Results Limit Hindu Nationalists (June 6, 2024, Christianity Today)

Many Indian Christians see this as a blessing…“The result is like breathing fresh air after a long time of suffocation,”

  • Mon-06-2024
India: “The government has used nationalist and religious extremism to raise false propaganda against Christians” (May 14, 2024, Evangelical Focus)

Christianity in India is the only religion that does not attack, but it is always under attack. The question is why the government says it can do nothing, yet people who convert to Christianity radically change their lives from crime and drug addiction to civilised, tax-paying lives. It makes no sense that such people would then be disadvantaged.

  • Mon-06-2024
India’s Christians Brace for 2024 Election Results (May 31, 2024, Christianity Today)

A key concern among Christians is the potential for a Modi-led BJP government to pursue policies detrimental to their rights and standing, including implementing nationwide a version of the anti-conversion laws currently active in 12 of India’s 28 states. But Christian leaders have also expressed concerns about the steady erosion of constitutional values and India’s secular ethos during Modi’s premiership.