• Sun-07-2024
The Last Mile (July 12, 2024, ChinaSource)

It is crucial to remember that the purpose of Bible engagement surpasses mere reading: its essence lies in understanding the divine revelations within its pages, which leads to transformative life experiences and a deeper connection with God.

  • Sun-07-2024
Chinese Upbringing and US Culture (July 10, 2024, ChinaSource)

Because I grew up in China and because this environment is nearly completely non-Christian, I was accustomed to being in a room where most views opposed my own. As a Christian, my faith has never been defined by my surroundings. I am able to befriend people who hold completely different beliefs than mine, but I’m still strong in my own faith.

  • Sun-07-2024
Will Nepal’s new coalition government tip the scales of India-China rivalry? (July 21, 2024, South China Morning Post)

Nepal will continue its delicate balancing act between India and China, according to observers, after political manoeuvrings saw a new government coalition formed and a new prime minister sworn in this week.

  • Sun-07-2024
China and Russia Are Breaking the World Into Pieces (July 21, 2024, Bloomberg)

From Ukraine to Gaza to the South China Sea, the world is littered with crises. International cooperation is paralyzed by diplomatic rivalry; techno-optimism has given way to a pervasive techno-anxiety . The sole superpower is limping toward an election with fateful consequences, as its rivals feverishly arm themselves for wars present and, perhaps, future. Each of these challenges, in turn, is symptomatic of a deeper historic shift underway.

  • Sun-07-2024
Taiwan’s military drills turn serious as China threat escalates (July 21, 2024, Financial Times)

Taiwan’s armed forces will use combat exercises next week to rigorously test its warfighting capabilities for the first time, in a radical departure from decades of scripted performances as the military steels itself against the growing threat from China.

  • Sun-07-2024
A trip to Shanghai’s AI mega-conference showed me that China’s developers are still playing catch-up to Silicon Valley (July 14, 2024, Fortune) (Subscription required)

The critical problem is that China’s LLMs are limited to using data within the Great Firewall. As investment bank Goldman Sachs noted late last year, “LLM performance improves with scale—more parameters, more and better training data, more training runs and more computation.” There is simply less information in the isolated Chinese-language internet compared to an open internet with sources in many different languages.

  • Sun-07-2024
Semiconductor analyst theorizes that China might want to destroy TSMC instead of capturing it — Chinese invasion of Taiwan would destroy supply chains, cripple South Korean chipmakers (July 6, 2024, Yahoo News)

"What if China is not deterred by potentially mined TSMC factories and ASML kill switches? What if the reunification plan is based on eradicating the TSMC factories and the Semiconductor supply chain in Taiwan and beyond?"

  • Sun-07-2024
China Offers 5-Year Mainland Travel Permit to Non-Chinese Hong Kong and Macao Permanent Residents (July 3, 2024, China Briefing)

China’s National Immigration Administration announced the introduction of a five-year multi-entry travel permit for foreign permanent residents of Hong Kong and Macao, aiming to streamline travel to the Chinese mainland, fostering economic integration and enhancing global connectivity within the Greater Bay Area. Such travel permits can be applied starting from July 10, 2024.

  • Sun-07-2024
China rocked by cooking oil contamination scandal (July 11, 2024, BBC)

The Chinese government says it will investigate allegations that fuel tankers have been used to transport cooking oil after carrying toxic chemicals without being cleaned properly between loads. The controversy has spread online as social media users express concerns about potential food contamination.

  • Sun-07-2024
China stabbing attacks raise concerns of growing social tensions (July 7, 2024, Financial Times)

In an acknowledgment of the potential racial motivation for the Suzhou attack, major Chinese internet platforms banned hate speech against Japan. But the tragedy was just the latest in a series of recent violent incidents hinting at rising social tensions, said analysts.