• Sun-07-2024
A BeiDou-like satnav system for the moon? Chinese scientists plot a possible route (July 14, 2024, South China Morning Post) (Subscription required)

The proposed construction of 21 satellites to provide a navigation system for the moon would support China’s lunar ambitions

  • Sun-07-2024
Chengdu: Relaxed, Comfortable, Leisurely (July 8, 2024, China Partnership)

This July, we are praying for Chengdu. Chengdu is a city of more than 20 million and is widely recognized as one of the most important cities in Western China. Chengdu is seen as a “land of plenty,” and its people are known for enjoying life. It has a strong literary and educational culture and is accepting of new people and new ideas.

  • Sun-07-2024
Resilience and Renewal (July 9, 2024, Chinese Church Voices)

The gospel gives life to the church, so it should be the gospel that determines the church’s development and opens up its future. If local churches or denominations try to solve their survival crisis first and then address church development, they are putting the cart before the horse. As long as there is the gospel, there will be disciples, and as long as there are disciples, there will be a church.

  • Sun-07-2024
Home Is the Bridge to Our Hearts (July 5, 2024, ChinaSource)

Home and family are very vital topics to a Chinese person, often providing bridges to their heart’s desires and offering a way to present Christ as the way to give a perfect home and family—the home and family found in knowing him.

  • Sun-07-2024
Lighting the Future: A Candle in the Dark, Part 2 (July 3, 2024, ChinaSource)

One candle can light a square, but thousands of candles can illuminate a path out of darkness. This path leads people to the Triune God! These children’s stories invite you to see that God has a great plan to use these Chinese children in his worldwide kingdom expansion!

  • Sun-07-2024
God Is on the Move, Part 1 (July 8, 2024, ChinaSource)

The imposition of the zero-COVID policy created chaos for Chinese churches and many cross-cultural workers in China. Congregations were unable to meet in person, leaving believers even more isolated. A large number of cross-cultural workers found themselves unable to return after leaving for short vacations in January 2020. Workers who remained—both Chinese and non-Chinese—faced increased scrutiny, testing, and workloads. God did not abandon his church in this time of turmoil.

  • Sun-07-2024
China set for third plenum that could prove a ‘defining moment’ of Xi Jinping era (July 14, 2024, South China Morning Post) (Subscription required)

The Communist Party gathering is expected to outline the general course of economic policy at a time the country is facing major challenges

  • Sun-07-2024
How ready is China’s military? Dramatic downfall of two defense ministers raises questions (July 1, 2024, CNN)

Their dramatic downfall has exposed deep-rooted alleged deceit in key sectors of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s military modernization drive despite his decade-long war on graft, raising questions about the country’s combat readiness at a time of heightened geopolitical tensions.

  • Sun-07-2024
Can a new Chinese law on rural rights finally give women their promised land? (July 7, 2024, South China Morning Post) (Subscription required)

After years of struggle for rural women in China to own land, a new law is set to help clear the path for equal rights in land ownership. On paper, Chinese land ownership is already equal, but in practice, women still struggle against legal loopholes, weak legal enforcement and outdated traditions.

  • Sun-07-2024
Chinese government bonds are on fire. That’s ringing alarm bells in Beijing (July 3, 2024, CNN)

Money is rushing into Chinese government bonds, sending their prices soaring and yields plunging to record lows as investors hunt for a safer alternative to the country’s ravaged real estate market and volatile stocks.